English Hub
Kingsnorth CEP School are proud to have been chosen as one of 34 English Hubs nationally which was announced by the Minister of State for School Standards in September 2018.
As an English Hub our aim to support schools to achieve excellence in early literacy teaching through an initial focus on:
- Developing early language and closing the word gap
- Developing early reading through systematic, synthetic phonics (SSP)
- Promoting a love of reading
We can provide tailored support to schools. This will include:
- running events to showcase excellent practice in teaching reading
- working with local schools to develop their practice
- offering conferences and workshops
What the Government has said about the hubs:
The government has announced the names of 34 schools across England that will take a leading role in supporting schools that struggle to teach children to read by improving the teaching of early language and reading.
This network of some of the best performing primary schools will work to increase reading standards in schools across the country and improve education outcomes for the most disadvantaged children, particularly in underperforming schools.
Reading is key to opening up learning. While the government has made great progress through the introduction of phonics, it wants to continue to drive improvements in the standards of literacy.
Building on the success of phonics, which has contributed to 163,000 more six-year-olds on track being fluent readers than in 2012, the 34 schools will spread best practice and teaching techniques, backed by £26.3 million funding. This will include providing school workshops for teachers and more intensive school-to-school support.
The hub schools were chosen through a competitive process - all 34 have a background of excellent phonics teaching and are distributed to benefit the areas that need it most. Each hub will identify specialist literacy teachers who will get additional training to act as experts in teaching in early language and reading from reception year to Key Stage 1. The hubs will work with up to 170 local primary schools and will build a network of excellent phonics teaching in every region.
A list of the 34 hubs:
Introduction to Transforming your School’s Reading Culture
The 'TSRC' programme is a sustained, research based CPD programme aimed at primary English Leads. During the course of the programme, participants will engage deeply with reading for pleasure pedagogy and leadership theory to transform their school's reading culture. Participants will attend 5 session and complete gap tasks in-between sessions. Those who commit will be expected to attend all sessions.
Please click here to watch a recording of the introductory webinar that was held on Monday 5th September which gives more detail about the content of the programme and how it runs, or alternatively access the powerpoint here: TSRC intro webinar 5.9.22.pptx
In order to apply to join the programme please complete the attached audit form and return to the following email address by 30th September: enghubadmin@kingsnorth.kent.sch.uk
Audit form: TSRC_Audit_and_HT_Statement_QjuRxcG.docx
Learning to Read and Write webinar
Thursday 29th September 2022
4-5pm online
Please contact: enghubadmin@kingsnorth.kent.sch.uk for booking details.
Phonics Foundations - Phase 1 Phonics
An online webinar to develop your subject knowledge of phase 1 pre-phonics and to consider how it can become part of your daily practice. This session is ideal for Early Years staff in school and practitioners working with children with speech and language delay or EAL children.
Thursday, 3rd November 2022
4pm-5pm online
Please click here to register for this webinar.
OU 'Reading for Pleasure' Free Online Course
Please click here to book your place.
Reading Gladiators Bookclub is now Free
Reading Gladiators is now in its 8th year. And for the first time, this resource is available to all schools, subscription free.
Please click here for more information.
Virtual Showcase Events
Awaiting future dates.
Click here to express your interest
The Children's Bookshow
The Children's Bookshow is a national tour of some of the best writers, illustrators and poets of children's books to theatres across the country, funded by Arts Council England. To find out more, please click here.
Recorded Webinars
Below is a list of our online webinars which have been recorded, if you wish to gain access to any of the recordings please click here or email enghubadmin@kingsnorth.kent.sch.uk.
Reading Deep Dive - hosted by Kirsty Godfrey, Ofsted
Exploring Children's Literature - hosted by Trace Parvin
Getting ready for Phonics Screening check YR 2 - in conjunction with Springhill English Hub
NQT Introduction to phonics
Phonics for Year 3 teachers
Phonics - Getting it right in Reception
Developing social reading environments
Closing the vocabulary gap - part 1
Closing the vocabulary gap - Part 2 - In conjunction with Springhill English Hub
Building Reading Fluency
Phonics Foundations in Nursery
An Introduction to the Reading Framework
Governor Training Session
In this Section
What the Government has said about the hubs:
The government is announcing the names of 34 schools across England that will take a leading role in supporting schools that struggle to teach children to read by improving the teaching of early language and reading.
Gov Uk - List Of Primary Schools
This network of some of the best performing primary schools will work to increase reading standards in schools across the country and improve education outcomes for the most disadvantaged children, particularly in underperforming schools.
Reading is key to opening up learning. While the government has made great progress through the introduction of phonics, it wants to continue to drive improvements in the standards of literacy.
Building on the success of phonics, which has contributed to 163,000 more six-year-olds on track being fluent readers than in 2012, the 32 schools will spread best practice and teaching techniques, backed by £26.3 million funding. This will include providing school workshops for teachers and more intensive school-to-school support.
The hub schools were chosen through a competitive process - all 34 have a background of excellent phonics teaching and are distributed to benefit the areas that need it most. Each hub will identify specialist literacy teachers who will get additional training to act as experts in teaching in early language and reading from reception year to Key Stage 1. The hubs will work with up to 170 local primary schools and will build a network of excellent phonics teaching in every region.
Phonics Showcase Events
Social Media Links
Please follow Kingsnorth English Hub via:
Twitter (@HubKingsnorth)Facebook (English Hub)Instagram (Englishhub1)LinkedIn (Eng Hub)