In Partnership with Aquila

The Government’s vision is for every school to be part of a family of schools in strong academy trusts. Currently over 50% of pupils are educated in academies.

Aquila is an outward facing trust and we work with other schools and other trusts. Each school within the Trust is unique and distinctive and we are committed to celebrating the local context and purpose of each school.  Our vision is for all of our schools to become highly successful and meet the needs of the community  they serve. 

We are a successful, collaborative and enterprising Trust with a proven track record of enabling schools to thrive. We have developed support services that really work so our academies can focus on providing learning environments where all pupils can flourish and succeed, whatever their background or beliefs.

As academies within Aquila grow and develop, they will be expected and required to share their journey, skills and expertise with other Aquila academies and with their local schools.  Many of our school leaders mentor new headteachers or are Kent Leaders of Education their details can be found via the KAH website.

We offer three levels of partnership:


For schools which want to access some training and support.


Our training is already available to schools outside Aquila. See our most up to date training pages

Schools are able to purchase support from our Educational Psychologist for training, assessment of children or supervision for school leaders. To check availability and costs please email


Schools may wish to join our School Direct training pathway. Please contact  to be added to our list of partner schools. We will manage the UCAS process, first stage interviews and any funding processes for you. Your trainees will join our cohorts for additional training based on need or will be supported by our experienced school staff if they require further provision to meet any of the QTS standards.

Your mentors will join our regular mentor meetings which include training from CCCU staff, moderation and target setting. If necessary, we can support both your school and your trainee through the target support plan or cause for concern process.


Some schools and single academy trusts will want to investigate what being an Aquila school will mean for them. This level of partnership gives the opportunity to “dip a toe into the water” in line with Gavin Williamson’s announcement at the start of May 2021.

This will also be the best partnership level for schools or single academy trusts which need more support to establish strong leadership or to rapidly improve teaching and learning. We need to make a charge for this support and will put a service level agreement in place. There is considerable flexibility around how we can support and we will create a bespoke package focussed on your needs.

You may need to access additional leadership support from an experienced and highly effective school leader, including days on site. We can focus this assistance through a part time Executive arrangement, enhanced coaching and mentoring support or subject leadership assistance.

In addition, we can offer these services as required.



  1. Up to 12 school improvement visits per year, including Head Teacher PM and SIAMs
  2. Leadership support on site as described above.
  3. Unlimited finance, business, estates and governance  advice
  4. Governor support, induction, meetings, quality assurance, training etc.
  5. Support for Head Teacher / DHT recruitment
  6. Advice on recruitment, retention and succession planning
  7. Regular HT/CoG/SBM/Premises/ Subject leader / SENCo Forums
  8. Leadership Training
  9. CPD at all levels – including face to face and on-line.
  10. NPQ Programmes 
  11. Pre-Ofsted support
  12. Data training and support
  13. Supervision for Headteachers and other key staff
  14. Educational psychologist days for pupil assessments, bespoke support and specialist training
  15. Mentor training, support and moderation for School Direct trainees
  16. Designated data protection officer services and audits

These will be agreed as part of the SLA but will be based on the daily pay rate of the member of staff providing the support.


For schools which have committed to join Aquila, we give access to the majority of our services. Your governors will have passed the resolution to convert into Aquila and we will provide these services free as we work with you on the conversion process.


  1. Up to 3 school improvement visits including Head Teacher PM and SIAMs
  2. Unlimited finance, business, estates and governance  support
  3. Introduction to Trust policies and handbooks
  4. Governor support, induction, meetings, quality assurance, training etc.
  5. Support for Head Teacher / DHT recruitment
  6. Advice on recruitment, retention and succession planning
  7. Access to the HT/CoG/SBM/Premises/ Subject leader / SENCo Forums
  8. Strategic training on SIMs and the Access integrated HR, budget and finance tool
  9. Data and assessment training and support
  10. Educational psychologist telephone support
  11. HR admin for recruitment, contracts, JDs
  12. Aquila moderation for YR, Y2, Y6
  13. Mentor training, support and moderation for School Direct trainees
  14. Digital learning platform
  15. Designated data protection officer services and initial audit
  16. Building condition audit.
  17. IT audit
  18. Finance and budget review
  19. Teaching and learning review
  20. DPO visit and support.
  21. Economies of scale through our bulk purchasing contracts.
  22. Project management services for the conversion process.

In addition, you can access any services from the other partnership levels for the same cost.