Subject Leader Network Meetings
Subject leadership is now a top priority in primary schools, especially with the demands of the new inspection framework.
A teacher with the title of subject leader is given the task of improving the teaching and learning provisioning of a specific subject taught within the school. They are also responsible for guiding other teachers and making all key decisions to ensure the particular subject is taught as well as possible and remains in line with OFSTED requirements. Subject leaders are crucial to a primary school’s success through their role in securing and sustaining improvement in each area of the curriculum.
Aquila are providing subject leader groups to give them the opportunity to share best practice to support teaching and learning across the Trust.
Over the academic year we will look at covering OFSTED subject research, creating sequencing of the curriculum subject throughout the school, best practice and moderation.
Aquila subject leaders for Art:
Louise Creane - Temple Ewell
Steph O'Connor - Temple Ewell
Next Meeting Date:
Monday 4th March 2024
Collective Worship
Aquila subject leaders for Collective Worship:
Carrie Nichols - Kennington Junior School
Kate Riseley - Kingsnorth Primary School
Next meeting date:
Monday 25th March 2024
Subject Leader Network Meetings for all Aquila Schools:
Dates to be confirmed
Aquila are also pleased to announce that we have been working with the Maidstone Computer Hub on how to develop and implement a broad and balanced curriculum, plan the improvement of computing teaching and learning and to provide professional support and development to others for our schools. Maidstone & Kent Computing Hub
Subject Leader Network Meetings for Aquila schools
Dates to be confirmed
Subject Leader for English for Aquila Schools:
Sarah Bone - Kingsnorth, Justin Clark- Kingsnorth
Next date: 27th February, via Teams
Aquila subject leader for Geography:
Tom Bird - Charing Primary School
Next meeting date:
11th March via Teams (invitation sent out)
Aquila subject leader for History:
Holly Brinkley - All Souls' Primary School
Next meeting date:
Tuesday 19th March - via Teams
Aquila subject leader for Modern Foreign Languages:
Hannah Lee - St Nicholas Primary School
Dewi Watson - St Mary of Charity Primary School
Next meeting date:
Thursday 21st March via Teams
Aquila subject leader for Maths:
Aaron Caple - Reculver Primary School
Next meeting date:
Thursday 22nd February via Teams
Music Subject Leader for Aquila Schools: Nick Sermon - Brenzett
Next Meeting Date:
Thursday 14th March
Subject Leader Network Meetings for Aquila schools
Dates to be confirmed
Subject Leader Network Meetings for Aquila schools
Dates to be confirmed
Aquila Subject Leader for RE:
Carrie Nichols - Kennington
Next Meeting Date:
Monday 11th March 2024
Subject Leader Network Meetings for all Aquila schools:
Dates to be confirmed